Join my next exclusive juice cleanse retreat in Costa Rica, May 2nd - May 9th!
Join my next exclusive juice cleanse retreat in Costa Rica, May 2nd - May 9th!
Whole food plant based
Option 1: Dive in like you would a cold swimming pool on a hot day. It is only unpleasant at first.
Option 2: One week before starting, remove meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy, white sugar, white flour, coffee, and alcohol. Eat fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts, and seeds. Drink more water. Open up your bowels with herbs such as cape aloe, cascara sagrada, and senna. This will lead to a more pleasant start to your cleanse.
1. Diet – what and how we eat
2. Activity – how we sleep, rest, and exercise
3. Environment – how we choose and modify our surroundings
4. Psychology – how we view ourselves and interact with others
Yes. My body was near death after unsuccessfully cycling numerous medications for rheumatoid arthritis and lupus.
After declining further medical treatment and trying numerous alternative protocols, I read a book written by Dr. Richard Schulze, There Are No Incurable Diseases. I ran with the program at a time juice fasting and colon cleansing were unheard of, and at a time I weighed 85 pounds. My self-healing ability was activated. I dedicated myself to the lifestyle.
Nature. Silence. Reflection. An ever expanding awareness of who I am and my purpose in the universe.
Most supplements create imbalances. I believe in fresh fruit and vegetable extracts (juices), whole foods, herbs, fasting, fresh air, sunshine, sleep, and exercise. I believe in adjuncts such as massage, hydrotherapy, skin brushing, colonics, earthing, meditation, yoga, and breathe-work. When there is need for an isolated supplement, it should be used short term.
Anything derived from an animal creates acidity in the body. More nutrients and healing power are found in vegetable broth, without the risk of heavy metals from bones leaching into your broth and contaminating your body.
The idea that consuming isolated collagen increases collagen in the human body is false. Eating a diet rich in leafy green vegetables is best. Plants offer the richest sources of collagen building blocks.
Keto is a high protein, high fat diet that offers results if you’re coming from a highly processed diet. Long term, for vitality, it is best to eat a diet high in fresh fruit and vegetables, low in protein and fat.
7am Lemon cayenne water, group check-in
7:30am Yoga and meditation
9am Detox shake, group meeting
10am Breakfast juice
10am to 12pm Free time for pool, bodywork, colemas, excursions
12pm Lunch juice, group meeting
1pm to 3pm Free time for pool, bodywork, colemas, excursions
2:30pm Afternoon juice
3pm Yoga
4pm Detox shake
4:30pm Sunset beach trip
6pm Dinner juice, group education
7pm Cleansing broth
8pm Evening health movie
9pm Coconut kefir shot
Purified water, young coconuts, ginger tea available anytime
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